Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 6: Sean Payton and Settling In the Sand

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Well, today was the first great day I feel like I've had since I've been here.

My job responsibility changed today to working at the media gate and checking for credentials from all of the incoming media and coaches. It was pretty cool getting to talk to all of the people from the local networks which included the sports news anchors, several photographers and several of the coaches from other schools such as Oklahoma University as they came through.

The coolest part was when Head Coach Sean Payton pulled through and asked if the guy following him could have access to the lot. I wanted to be like 'Dude, you're Sean Payton, you can do whatever you want. If you want him to sit on the roof of the building I'm sure you could get it done.' But of course I said "I mean, I guess I can see what I can do for you.. It's not like these parking spots grow on trees, and you're not that special, so we'll have to see what we can negotiate here. I'm lookin for some free tickets, or an all access pass, or a date with some of the Saintsations.. What can you offer me?' ...... Bahaha of course I said 'Definitely sir, that's perfectly fine' in my 'Hey, I'm Blake' voice for those of you who make fun of me for my voice octave changes when I'm trying to sound professional. Cough cough Steven, Sarah, Richard, Brady. Annyway, he said 'Thank you very much, I'm Sean,' and stuck his hand out. I introduced myself and that was it.

It was pretty cool getting to meet him though, even in passing. I dealt with some ungrateful and disrespectful and short tempered people that thought that they had the right to have anyone and everyone park in this certain lot. It definitely reminded me to always be nice to those people in my life because we and they are just trying to do their job and not get in trouble. That's why I try to always be nice to the Taco Bell ladies and the Sonic ladies, shake the security guards hands, and always at least be respectful of their positions. I'm not going to lie, I know I've ben heify before, and now looking back on it, I definitely and sadly regret those decisions. My friend and co-worker Danielle and I share the same views on everything in the work place and it's definitely nice being able to talk to her about the little incidences where bad irrational actions come over the people we encounter and we are the ones stuck dealing with it.

All in all today was pretty good. I had to work starting at 12:45 pm, which gave me plenty of rest time and also time to get caught up on rest. I find myself tossing and turning when it's about an hour before time to wake up because I'm nervous I'm going to oversleep.

When we arrived we set out all of the 'A-frame' advertisements, fixed all the barricades, set out all the trash cans (that people still refuse to use), set up the tents, tables and chairs at all the entrances, and then got to my post at the media gate and was fortunate enough to have a shaded spot the remainder of the afternoon. I also didn't feel like I was a broken record like I did yesterday and the day before with the cancelled practice announcements and the directions on throwing away trash. It was a pretty pleasant day.

I also felt like today was the day when everyone on the Operations Staff finally relaxed, started joking with one another and finally, finally exhausted the conversations of LSU and Tulane football. I have never been so happy to not hear someone talk about football in my life.

I got to know the girls a lot better; Danielle, Katie, and Lisa. They are all really cool girls and remind me a lot of my mom. Just really passionate about their positions here with the Saints and genuinely enjoy what they do and being nice to everyone they meet. We are all going to go to dinner sometime this week at a local restaurant that they have deemed appropriate for non-locals. Apparently Danielle (who is from Baton Rouge) and I are in for a treat. Definitely looking forward to being out of the hotel and hanging out with some of the people I work with.

I think I've definitely talked Katie and Lisa into coming to an Ole Miss game this fall. They keep telling me how excited they are and how much they can't wait to pull out their 'Prom dresses' so that they will fit in at Ole Miss. I think it will definitely be a cool experience for them. On top of that, they have offered me a place to stay for the Tulane game when I come down.

Also, about the Tulane game. I think that I am going to be able to work the Saints/Titans game that is the Thursday night at the Superdome that will be before the Tulane game that will be the following Saturday at the Superdome. I'm really pumped about that possibility and my boss is actually pumped that I'll get to work a game on the sidelines since I won't be here for the first pre-season game against the Texans on August 21st.

All in all today was a great day. Practice was finished at 5:20 and we had all the trash picked up in the shortest time yet, and finished for the day at around 6:45. We had pizza and salad for dinner in the cafeteria there at the facility that ended with the best strawberries I've had in a long time.

I got to see on one of the Superbowl rings today. It was ridiculous. Annd it was a woman's ring and it was still ridiculously big. Most importantly, it was not THIS particular ring.

As Danielle and I were leaving for the night we ran into Katie, Lisa and our boss, Stephen, all working on the Suite Passes for the season. We helped organize and box them and then organized all the arm bands for the press and photographers for each game. It was cool seeing that side of it because that's the actual side that I would like to be on.

I definitely learned a lot of ways on how to be a great leader today from observing my boss, Stephen Pate. He's a phenomenal person to work for and I'm lucky to have such a great boss down here. I miss Ole Ginger, Becky and Jennifer though at the Yerby Center.

Thanks for reading, if you're not asleep.

Miss everyone,

Until next time,

Blake Belcher

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