Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 2: Superdome, Jimani, Nawlin's Local, & Redbox

Today we met at the Superdome at 9:00 a.m. for more Training Camp and Pre-Season preparation. We hung up all of the New Orleans Saints signage throughout the superdome that covers all the concrete on both the 200 and 500 levels of seating. There were a ton of banners that had to be hung up, but with 11 people working on it, it went by fairly quickly. Within two hours we had finished both levels and were on our way back up to the fourth floor. Apparently there has been a lot of reconstruction in the Superdome since this time last year due to winning the Super Bowl, and everything was being changed. We moved all of the nursery supplies down to another level in the Superdome in their new room. This is the nursery that is provided for all the Saint's players and Staff's family's for practices, normal work days, and game days.

The Superdome was getting the same turf that the Metairie practice facility just got. They should be done with the turf within the next few days.

***DISCLAIMER*** I mentioned in a previous blog that the "facilities" of the New Orleans Saints weren't as nice as those of Ole Miss. I meant to say that the Metairie Indoor Facility isn't as nice as the Ole Miss Indoor Practice Facility. Granted, as I was told, "Why have a great practice facility when your main field is indoor, too?" Which is a very good point. Thank you, Jared Loftus for helping me straighten that out. Haha.

After we finished all of that stuff we were free to go for the afternoon. I decided since I was already downtown at the Superdome I would try another restaurant in that area. I found a bar called Jimani off of Canal Street and went in for a beer and pizza. It was a phenomenal pizza. I definitely recommend going in there. It was hot, and muggy, but just another part of New Orleans I feel.

After lunch I returned home, well, to the Holiday Inn and hung out for a little while. I went for a run in the gym, and then met up with a friend from school that lives in Mandeville but works in Metairie. We went to the movies to see Inception, the Leonardo DeCaprio movie about altering dreams. Definitely a must see. That was my second time to see it.

When I first pulled into the theatre parking lot, I turned onto the wrong row. Immediately realizing what I did, I slowed down to 5 mph (basically barely moving) and waited for the oncoming car to kind of move to the side. She didn't. As she drove by all I could see was her mouth moving and saying "******* WRONG WAY!" and I was waving the entire time and apologizing. Yeah, my apologies didn't go very far. I went down the row and found a parking spot. As I went to put my car into park she rolled by on the next row over (which, coincidentally would have meant that she was then going the wrong way) and she mean mugged me the whole way. I followed her with my eyes and she started cursing again and sped off. Not going to lie, I honestly expected my car to be keyed, my tires slashed, or the whole thing on fire when I got out of the movie. Fortunately, she wasn't that intense.

I went to Target and grabbed some groceries, a new book, and some new socks. We have tomorrow off, so I decided to go get a movie too. I couldn't locate a Redbox on my phone, so I ventured over to a Blockbuster. When I got there I realized how insane it was to pay $5.00 rent a movie and decided to go home. That's when my extra chromosomes began to take over.

I Googled Rebox locations and found that there was one at an Exxon located on 2209 Causeway Blvd, just a few seconds down the road from my 2261 Causeway Blvd location at the Holiday Inn. I got in my car, looked for the nearest Exxon and found it to be right at a mile away. I drove through the gas station next to my hotel in order to get access to the interstate that I needed to get on in order to head in the direction of the Exxon. I got all the way there and there was no Redbox in sight. Of course I was frustrated and decided to type the physical address in. I then began driving in that direction. Apparently there was more than one Exxon within a one mile radius of me. As I got closer, I looked up and realized that the gas station that I had driven through to get to the interstate, also the same gas station I drive through every day for work, was in fact an Exxon. Right. Next. Door. I mean, walking distance. I could have kicked myself for not noticing the HUGE EXXON sign hanging in the sky. I rented a couple of movies, went back to the hotel, made a sandwich, watched the movie, read some of my book, and now I'm headed to bed.

Hope all is well,

Sorry for putting you through all of the antagonizing details. I haven't had anything to do all day.

Until next time,


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