Monday, July 26, 2010


I got to meet with Diane Norton this morning and she offered me the same deal as the Extended Stay to stay here in the Holiday Inn. Much better. It's going to be a spoiling experience having this king-sized bed though.

I went to the mall today then ventured downtown to New Orleans. It was excellent. I pulled over and parked at the end of Canala and Bourbon and walked down Bourbon street. I picked up some postcards, bought a Maker's Mark 10th Anniversary cigar and then finally made it to Cafe du Monde for their infamous beniets. I walked through the French Quarter and I think I lost 10 pounds while doing it.

I made it back to the hotel after a few hours of driving around downtown and got ready for our orientation dinner at 7. We all met at Theo's Pizzaria and I got to meet the entire group of people that I will be working with. We got our information packet and we will be meeting at the facility tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. for our drug test and then setting up for this coming weekend, which will be the first few days of camp.

Hope all is well,

Until Next Time,


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