Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 3: El dia de nada

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today wasn't very exciting. I woke up at 9:00 a.m. this morning and for the first time since I've been here, I honestly felt lonely. It was kind of weird knowing that yes, I had the entire day off, I was in New Orleans, but had no one to share the day with. I realized how much I miss my family and friends this morning. I realized how much I depend on all of yall being there every day. However, after the day went by, I realized that this experience was probably the best thing that I could experience with a year left in college. This will be a reality in a year or two and I guess the more practice I have now, the better.

Anyhoowwww. I got up and went to this phenomenal burger and seafood restaurant called Port of Call. It came highly recommended from Jared Loftus, Jordan's brother that lives in Baton Rouge.

After getting lost (stupid Tom Tom) again, I finally found the restaurant and made my way inside. The whole roof was covered in intertwined ropes like you would see on a ship; there was an enormous ship's steering wheel mounted on the wall; and the bar was covered in locals. I sat down and ordered a burger and a beer. After listening to a few Blue's classics over the radio that was proudly playing over the speakers I got my burger and baked potato. They were covered with slightly melted, shredded cheddar cheese. I prepared the burger and took the first bite of what may have been the best burger I have ever had fro a restaurant. There's only one other burger that I like more and that is prepared by none other than THE Mike Belcher.

Two beers later, a baked potato, phenomenal burger and a half a pound of cheddar cheese, I was absolutely stuffed. I made my way out of the restaurant and headed towards the street where I parked. Yes, I walked the wrong way. After turning around and walking two blocks, exhausting my clicker button on my car's remote, I found ole Pearl.

I drove across town and made my way through Metairie. I made it to the practice facility, which was completely deserted other than the inner office workers. This is when I finally got all the "free gear" that I have been diligently told I would receive from my friends in Oxford. I got a few different shirts, a couple pair of dress shorts, a pair of mesh shorts, and a Saints hat. I was finally decked out and ready to go. I could stop wearing my plain polo t-shirts and Ole Miss paraphernalia to work everyday. I am sure they will be happy.

I came back home and just hung out at the hotel for a few hours, finishing up some photos, watching a movie, and paying a couple of bills. I never made it to the aquarium or zoo because they both closed at 4:00 and when I pulled up it was 3:30 p.m. I was not about to pay however much it was for 30 minute tour of the entire animal kingdom both surf, and turf.

Today was exhaustingly boring. Thanks for reading. Even though you probably want to poke your eyeballs out, or stab yourself with a fork.

"Or, you could stick a fork in an apple!" (Hope you get that Margaret).

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Judge all you want to but, married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire, live in a box!! -mg
